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Last Updated on April 16, 2023 by asifa

The portable device 

This device uses solar energy to disinfect medical devices. Ling Xiao and his companions at the Massachusetts Institute revealed latest technology updates about the development of a gadget that can power an autoclave. This machine can be used to disinfect the medical equipment by effectively pressurizing them.

For medical professionals who are doing surgeries in far off areas of the world, sterilization equipment is not easily available to them. For disinfection of clinical gadgets, a portable, solar-powered device can generate high-strain steam in aid-restricted areas.

Latest technology updates shows that new device works even in fast and cloudy conditions. Mainly it contains a solar component that heats water that makes steam, which is coupled to a pressure chamberFor this type of device, pressure, and steam providing above 1000C, these devices will lose the heat in the atmosphere, which is the biggest challenge,” says Xiao. With that in mind, a critical factor of a solar heater is an aerogel – a dependable, foam-like fabric – a product of silica. The gel is glassy, so it does not interfere with absorbing light, but it acts as an insulator to avoid the loss of heat.

In a field test in the Mumbai

In a field test in Mumbai, India, researchers developed a prototype device that could successfully generate the steam at 128 ° C and 250kPa. They estimate that it creates 260 W of energy. When exposed to sunlight, the solar heater takes almost 10 minutes to heat the water and needed autoclave conditions of pressure.

Xiao stated that the researchers calculate that one of the solar units produces 260 watts of energy, which does not have the potential of 60- or 100-litre, autoclave generally used in operating rooms. Thus you will have to connect to more solar modules to give enough heat.

Touch-sensitive glove: Latest technology updates about these gloves

 The touch-sensitive glove is made from continuous optical fibers.

Hedan Bai, of the Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, says, “We developed a sensor that can detect the hippocampus interactions, similar to how our skin sensors interact with the [environment].”

These gloves are made with stretchable fiber optic sensors that can have applications in the field of robotics, sports, and medicine.

Hedan Bai and his team developed these gloves by using optical fibers made of thin, elastomeric polyurethane cables that transfer light from LEDs. The team painted different parts of the fibers with distinct colors, which means they are distorted; the fibers change the color of light. Researchers Interpret light patterns to analyze the type of harm to gloves.

The team is also looking at sports and medical use. “We plan to use these stretchable optical fibres to measure the respiration and muscle contraction next year,” Shepherd said, adding that the baseball player’s interactions with the hair with consideration of methods. Hedan Bai said, “This will give the coach a lot of insight to improve the players’ performance.”

Because fiber optic sensors are scalable, they can be used in smart clothing, wearable, and soft robots. In Cornell, team member Rob Shepherd says, “You don’t want a hard sensor in a soft robot because it’s limiting the robot’s functions.”

These sensors can do all the work,” said Andrew Spielberg of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “The reality that it can twist a lot of distortion modes at a time, bending, stretching, and pressing is great.”

The warehouse robot

According to Latest technology updates the warehouse robot is upgraded to speed up 350 times packing decisions.

The Corona-virus epidemic is expected to increase online shopping. Ken Goldberg of the University of California, Berkeley said that they have a tough time meeting vendors’ demands.

Robotic weapons for the packing boxes in warehouses can now operate more than 350 times faster due to the neural network that allows them to predict how quickly they can move goods.

Goldberg’s lab has previously developed the software that improves the grip capability of a type of warehouse robotic arm, using computer vision to determine how to place an object in a dimensional space. It has to do with the claws of the robot.

In Berkeley, Jeffrey Ichnowski says, “When the obstacle is in the grip of things, the blocks are in the motion.

Read More: Things to consider when choosing a warehouse

Robots can move faster but not always safe. A “jerk” stage, or fast exchange in the acceleration, can mean the distinction between an effectively supplied package deal and a slide at the ground. Jerk can also cause the robotic arm to wear and tear, which can shorten its working life.

Ichnowski says, “We need to stay right to the right of speed, acceleration and shock.” But for a robot, computing the safest but the fastest way to transport something takes time. Ichnowski and Goldberg and their colleagues carried known neural networks to their popular automated software program. He then allowed the system to evaluate the robotic arm’s performance when it moved thousands of objects over several weeks.

Eventually, according to Latest technology updates the neural network learned to become aware of the high-quality movement to take in any scene within 80 milliseconds. The new software only takes 29 seconds to run the calculation.” A step-by-step change in the speed of the operational response in this magazine will make a massive difference to the warehouse operators,” said Andrew Leahy, Cardiff University, UK, and DSV Solutions design director.

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