Last Updated on May 16, 2023 by Umer Malik

Teenage is a period of growth and change. Adolescents recognize people and understand the world from a different perspective. Moreover, their activities include more adventure and less care. In order to ensure safe growth through this stage, parents need to understand the complexity of teenage requirements. This reading will make you learn about it.

Also, this article covers how the parental control apps help parents to smartly work with their kids to manage their routines.

A Physical and Psychological Transition

Teenage is the period when adolescents pass through changes in their body and mind. They develop, mentally and bodily facing changes that everyone takes differently. Body changes include voice change, and beard growth, etc. whereas females face breast development and puberty, etc. Hormonal changes follow and teens are very likely to be involved in new romantic relationships, interested in adult talks, etc. Moreover, their perspective to look at the world changes becomes mature at some points, and their most actions are derived from emotions.  

Thus, they are likely to be involved in some unhealthy and inappropriate behaviors. This demands more care and attention from parents.

High Risk Behaviors

Teen energy does not understand the limits of safety, it is unstoppable. They have the most adventurous minds and are involved in activities that might be harmful to them. From doing rash driving to trying drugs and drinking, everything is thrilling for them. Also, peer pressure is a big factor that influences them to be involved in such things. They want to look cool in their social circle. And going to a bar, drinking as normal, and driving exceeding speed limits is ‘cool’ for them. Thus, they need to be checked over by parents.

Look for Independence and Exploration

This age is when adolescents feel conquering the world when let free. Handling them is very sensitive because they want freedom and not be interfered with by parents. So, parent-child clashes also occur at this age.

Exploring the world and having new experiences excites them. So, associated with independence is the need to explore and try on new things. This makes them vulnerable to the harmful aspects and risk factors of their activities. Thus, parents need to monitor them.

Development of Identity 

Teenagers need to develop their own identity at this age. They socialize, make relationships, recognize their friend circle, etc. Their identity, as said by a famous child psychologist Erick Erikson, is developed by the people they socialize with. Further according to his theory, if they fail to develop an identity for themselves, they remain in a state of confusion about their ‘self’ for their whole life.

So, this stage is very important in terms of socializing and making relationships. Nowadays, spending excessive time over phones affects socializing skills and the sense of identity. Research has proved this point multiple times. So, again, your teens direly need to be monitored.

Needs Utmost Care and Attention

The last reason why this age is special is that it needs maximum attention and care from parents. They want to be independent, but their need to have a sense of belongingness and attachment to family does not end. Moreover, their activities need to be looked after because you never know if the friends, they are visiting are really their study group or are prone to some deviant behaviors.  

Read more: What Teens Can Learn From “Better Nate Than Ever”

Parents’ Responsibility 

So, what should the parents of adolescents do? Yes, they carry a big responsibility for their shoulders. Keeping the balance, they have to monitor their teens’ activities very carefully without developing clashes.

A Quick Overview

The teenage years are often referred to as the most critical age of development, as they are marked by significant changes in both physical and emotional development. This is a time when teenagers are beginning to assert their independence, form their own identities, and navigate the challenges of adolescence. As a result, it’s essential for parents to provide guidance and support to their teens during this period. Here are some tips for parents to help their teens navigate this crucial stage of development.

  1. Understanding the Changes: Adolescence is marked by significant changes in the body and mind. Parents should take the time to learn about these changes, such as hormonal fluctuations and brain development, to better understand and support their teens.
  2. Communication is Key: Teenagers often struggle with expressing their emotions and thoughts, so it’s essential to keep the lines of communication open. Parents should encourage their teens to share their feelings and thoughts openly without judgment.
  3. Setting Boundaries: While teenagers need the space to develop their independence, it’s essential to set clear boundaries and guidelines to keep them safe. Parents should establish rules around things like curfews, technology use, and driving to provide structure and consistency.
  4. Encouraging Healthy Habits: Adolescence is a time when many teens begin to experiment with drugs, alcohol, and other risky behaviors. Parents should encourage healthy habits like exercise, healthy eating, and positive social interactions to help their teens develop healthy coping mechanisms.

You will not need to ask them where they are going, go to their rooms to check whether they are studying or not, or criticize them to correct their behaviors. It allows you to handle everything online, of course by the consent of your kids. Check out the website for its features. Also, you can download it from the App Store or Play Store. Happy teen parenting!

Apart from that, if you are interested to know about Aaron Hickey   then visit our Education category.

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