Biomass Pellets Production

Last Updated on August 3, 2023 by asifa

Biomass pellets are a sustainable and Eco-friendly alternative to traditional fuels. To convert wood shavings into pellets, they undergo a pelletization process. It involves grinding the shavings into a fine consistency, adding a binder if necessary, and compressing the material under high pressure. Then it forms dense and compact pellets that you can use as a renewable energy source. In this guide, we will explore Biomass Pellet Production from wood shavings in five simple steps. 

Wood shavings are thin, elongated pieces of wood typically produced by shaving or planning a wooden log. You can use them for various purposes, including animal bedding, mulching, and Biomass Pellet Production. Wood shavings are an ideal feedstock for making wood biomass pellets due to their high lignocellulosic and low moisture content.

Here are the steps to producing biomass pellets from wood shavings: 

Step 1: Wood Shavings Collection and Preparation

To begin biomass pellet production, collect and prepare high-quality wood shavings. These shavings should be free from dirt, stones, and excessive moisture. Using a Wood Chipper, the collected wood logs are broken down into small-sized wood chips or shavings, ensuring a uniform particle size. This step helps in achieving consistent pellet quality and optimal combustion performance.

Step 2: Biomass Drying

The moisture content of the wood shavings plays a crucial role in pellet production. Excessive moisture can lead to poor pellet quality and increased energy consumption during the pelletization process. Therefore, it is vital to reduce the moisture content of the wood shavings to an ideal range of 10-15%. You can achieve it using a Biomass Dryer, which utilizes heat and airflow to remove excess moisture. Proper drying ensures improved pellet density and combustion efficiency.

Step 3: Biomass Pelletization

The pelletization process involves compressing the dried wood shavings into dense pellets with the help of a Biomass Pellet Machine. These machines are specifically designed to handle biomass materials and consist of a die and rollers. You can feed wood shavings into the pellet machine, where they undergo intense pressure and heat. As a result, the lignin in the wood acts as a natural binder, creating cohesive pellets. You can adjust the size and density by changing the die and roller settings.

Step 4: Cooling and Sieving

Once the biomass pellets are formed, they need to come at low temperatures to ensure stability and durability. A pellet cooler can reduce the temperature of freshly produced pellets, preventing them from cracking or breaking during subsequent handling and packaging. After cooling, the pellets are sieved to remove fine particles or dust, ensuring consistent pellet size and quality. The sieved pellets are then ready for packaging or further processing.

Step 5: Packaging and Storage

The final step in Biomass Pellet Production is packaging and storage. The pellets are usually packaged in bags or bulk containers, ready for distribution and use. It is important to store the pellets in a dry and well-ventilated area to maintain their quality. Proper storage conditions prevent moisture absorption and ensure the pellets remain intact and free from degradation. Then you can use pellets as a clean and efficient fuel source for heating, power generation, or other applications.

How is Wood Shavings Pellet Making Machine Work? 

A wood shavings pellet-making machine, also known as a wood pellet mill transforms wood shavings into compacted pellets. The process begins with feeding raw wood shavings into the machine’s hopper. Inside the machine, a rotating roller and die compresses the shavings under high pressure and temperature. The heat generated by friction softens the lignin, a natural binding agent in wood, causing it to adhere and form pellets. 

What Is Biomass Pellet Machine?

Biomass Pellet Machine, also known as a pellet mill or pelletizer, is a mechanical device used to produce biomass pellets from various biomass materials. It plays a crucial role in the process of Biomass Pellet Production. The machine consists of a feeder, a conditioner, a pelletizing chamber, a die, and a set of rollers. 

Biomass materials, such as wood chips, sawdust, agricultural residues, or energy crops, are fed into the machine, where they go through compression and extrusion processes. The die and rollers shape the biomass materials into compact pellets of uniform size. The machine may also include a cooling and packaging system to facilitate the storage and transportation of the pellets. Making solid biofuels and biomass feedstock for use in heating, power generation, and other purposes requires the use of biomass pellet machines. 


Biomass Pellet Production from wood shavings is a straightforward process that involves five essential steps given in this guide. You may make high-quality biomass pellets for numerous uses by following these procedures and using the appropriate tools, such as a wood chipper, biomass dryer, and pellet machine. The use of biomass pellets reduces dependence on fossil fuels and contributes to a more sustainable future. If you want to buy machines for your pellets production then contact EcoStan. 

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