Last Updated on October 25, 2022 by

The epidemic saw a rise in drug use. A 2020 nationwide survey found that 10.9 million more people used drugs, and an estimated 25.9 million more people consumed alcohol after COVID-19 than before. The emergence of addiction or relapse are two possible effects of increased substance use. Here are the ways to cope if you are struggling with an addiction post covid 19.

Know how to see the signs of addiction or relapse

A substance use disorder may result from problematic drug or alcohol use. Among the prerequisites for a diagnosis of substance use disorder are:

  • Getting used to a substance or needing more of it to have the desired effect
  • Having more desires or urges for the drug
  • Increased substance use even when it causes problems at home, school, or work or negatively influences your mental or physical health.
  • Increased drug use.
  • Missing activities due to substance abuse.
  • Attempting to quit or lessen your drug use but being unable to do so on your own
  • Withdrawal symptoms develop if you abstain from the substance for a long time.

Reach out to your support system

Call on trusted family members, friends, and mental health professionals if you feel like abusing alcohol or drugs more now that COVID-19 has passed. To successfully manage the post-pandemic world, be open with them about how you’re feeling and rely on their support.

As you work to avoid substance use, others struggling with addiction can be a great source of inspiration and motivation. A professional therapist can provide the tools to effectively resist your desires and cravings.

Manage stress

Your chance of substance abuse rises when you’re under a lot of stress, such as when you lose your work due to the pandemic or start having health problems from COVID-19. Therefore, strategies to lessen stress are essential for managing addiction following the pandemic.

The following are some stress-relieving activities:

  • Inhaling deeply
  • Physical activity, such as exercise
  • Meditation. 

Create a routine

Regularity aids in the recovery from addiction. However, this was one area where COVID-19 put up a lot of obstacles, some of which included the cancellation of support group sessions, changes in work, and a lack of access to regular social support.

Create a weekly schedule if you’re having trouble settling into a routine. Include tasks that will help you avoid using alcohol and drugs. In this schedule, plan for therapists and support group meetings regularly.

Seek professional help

Without expert assistance, addiction can be a challenging problem to resolve. Suppose you realize that you are using alcohol or drugs more frequently after COVID-19 or that your cravings to use are stronger. In that case, a mental health expert can provide the tools you need to resist these urges and refrain from problematic substance use. Find out more about Melbourne rehab by checking out The Hader Clinic.

A key takeaway

Whether or if COVID-19 is a factor, dealing with problematic substance usage isn’t simple. Your mental health professional can also offer suitable solutions for your particular needs and circumstances.

Read more: How to Feel Your Best This Year and Beyond