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Understanding foundations and foundation walls

Understanding foundations and foundation walls

Last Updated on November 23, 2021 by rida

Spread foundations are something that they are familiar with. The company builds a house  รับสร้างบ้านราชบุรี  very much. Because in general, the spreading foundations that are commonly used are: strip foundations for walls and a single spreading foundation

• The foundation spreads along the length of the wall. Continuously built to support the wall

Other forms of spreading foundations include:

• The foundation is spreading the stairs. The foundation spreads a type of strip that changes its level along the steps. to touch the soil that has been adjusted to form a ladder to prevent slippage of the soil and to maintain the required thickness of the foundation spread over its entire cross-section.

• The foundation spreads with either a filed or joint attachment. It is used in case of misalignment between the point where the load is applied and the center of the spreading foundation. with beams jointly attached to the main base on one side

• Joint spreading foundations It resembles a single spreading foundation. but usually larger where two or more piers are gathered together in a single spreading foundation.

• Joint spreading foundation This type of foundation is suitable for cases where the pole cannot be built in the center of the spreading foundation. Especially when it is close to the land area, therefore, it is necessary to expand the foundation to cover and extend to join with neighboring foundations to stretch together to form a single foundation. lest there be a single base and a pole that is misaligned with each other

• The foundation spreads the carpet. It looks like a single large spreading foundation. This type of foundation is suitable for cases where soil load capacity is small compared to the distance between the multiple columns arranged in a row. This requires a lot of width of each pole. until the bases of the adjacent pillars almost collide. Therefore, it is more convenient for the excavation work as a single hole. or in the case that the poles are close to each other in the whole building with grid-type anchor beams to provide the strength of the base between the piers

• Floating foundations are especially suitable for soft and loamy soils. A foundation has a buoyant force resisting the overall volume of the foundation that displaces the volume of soil as if pressed into water. The weight of the building to be supported is less than or equal to the weight of the excavated soil.

• A single spreading foundation is independent. with a single pole

• Continuous Joint Foundations when heavy or the pillars are not far apart therefore merged into a single base together in a row

• Foundation beams transfer weight onto a single spreading foundation.

 The foundation wall, which is coupled with building a house รับสร้างบ้านโคราช   , acts as both a retaining wall and a foundation at the same time. and may also serve as the walls of the basement. Foundation walls are both above the soil surface and the underground part, so in addition to the weight of the building. Foundation walls should be designed to withstand lateral loads of soil and wind loads. as well as the force of earthquakes in the case of being in an area prone to earthquakes

• wall or wall

• floor

• The anchor resists lateral forces and lifting or turning forces.

• Weight is carried out from the structure above.

Build a foundation wall in case of construction next to the basement. There should be a system to prevent moisture, heat and radiation from entering the basement. and should provide windows and doors or other suitable openings

• Dowel rods are anchored into the foundation plate.

• Filling material at the expansion joint.

• The size of the base depends on the weight of the building. and the ability to bear the loads of the soil under the foundation

• Raise the edge of the foundation wall at least 6″ (150) above the ground if the above-ground building structure is

wooden structure

• Adjust the slope so that at least 5% of the water flows away from the foundation wall.

• Side earth pressure

• Wall foundation has a working system. The force acting on the building in the horizontal plane is transferred to the structure of the underground foundation that is resisted by soil friction. and the resistance to lateral movement of the soil mass in the resistive direction

The basement area is surrounded by foundation walls or piers. The area is intended for plumbing, sewage and electrical work.

• The two ends of the area are placed on the large beams.

• The size of the doorway to enter the basement is 18″ × 24″ (455×610).

• The height of the basement floor. It should fit the vent and the size of the joist.

• At least 18″ (455) height from under the bottom of the joist or big beam down to the soil surface. to have a distance for the ventilation openings

• At least 24″ (610) basement height.

• Concrete foundation walls poured in place or load-bearing material.

• Use plastic or covering material to prevent moisture from the soil.

• Cast a sculpture to attach the wall to the base.

• Ground beams Reinforced concrete is placed on concrete piers.

• Spreading the floor or having a hard foam. to support the expansion of soil without causing the base to raise the size of the pole Diameter 12″ to 18″ (305 to 455) with reinforced steel.

• The base at the end of the leg flares out for the pier if necessary.

• The presence of openings for ventilation is very important as it prevents the accumulation of moisture in the basement.

• Openings should have a net or a net to prevent insects or rodents at least 6″ (150) from the outside floor. The size of the base depends on the weight of the building. and the ability to bear the loads of the soil under the foundation

• The foundation should be placed on stable soil. and below the line where the water level becomes ice

• The ground beam sinks at least 6″ (150) from the inner surface.

Reinforced concrete foundation walls

Reinforced concrete foundation walls require lateral construction to pour concrete. and is an entrance for concrete mixer trucks or concrete pouring carts.

• Bolts to fasten to transom or real brackets to continue fixing to joists.

• Wall thickness at least 8″ (205)

• Installing the reinforcing steel vertically and horizontally according to the engineer’s design.

• concrete floor

• Concrete base

• steel dowel (steel dowel) is an anchor to anchor the wall to the base.

• A latch (key) prevents sliding apart.

concrete block foundation wall

Concrete block foundation wall is applied by using bricks and concrete blocks to be stacked together. without having to build a side-to-side concrete cubes used

This should be a standard size of 8″ (205) long.

• Bolts to attach to the frame or the wooden backboard. to extend with the joist

• Fill the grout into the hole gap of the block.

• Place the grid to help the grout adhesion.

• The bricks are placed close together and interlocked with mortar.

• Typical wall thickness 8″ (205)

• Vertical insertion of reinforcement within the concrete block channel. and placing the lintel beams according to the engineer’s design

• concrete floor

• Concrete base

• Steel anchors extend the wall to the base. buried in concrete foundation

• Lay with cement-sand mortar on the rough base surface.