Star Citizen

Last Updated on August 18, 2023 by asifa


Cloud Imperium Games created and published the star citizen game for Microsoft Windows which is an in-development multiplayer space trading and battle simulation game. Chris Roberts directed this amazing video game. In 2012, the game was announced through a successful Kickstarter crusade which drew in over US$2 million. The game started in 2010, and the production of the game starting in 2011.

During this lengthy preparation process, Star Citizen has been heavily criticized for the fact that there is still no strong release date. Due to this difficulty, the backers who have left the project have received a refund. In 2014, the game was originally expected to launch but it was over and again delayed Cloud Imperium Games started announcing the parts of the game which is called “modules”, to give players with the chance to experience game-play features before its release. In 2015, for testing purposes, the latest of these modules, known as the “Persistent Universe”, was provided. For its commercial release, no projected date has been set.

Cloud Imperium Games kept raising funds by selling of ships and other sporting goods after the early Kickstarter ended. Now it is one of the highest-funded crowd-funding projects and video games, and having increased over US$300 million as of June 2020. Criticism and ethical issues have arisen around the project due to such ways of generating revenue from the assembly. Marketing is now also funded by foreign investment in addition to crowd-funding, which has received US$63.25 million as of March 2020.

In Squadron 42, the Performance of a player will affect his career in Star Citizen.


In 4 distinctive ways, star citizen combines features of the space simulator, first-person shooter, and massively multiplayer online genres and are called “modules,” that give different player experiences.

Hangar, Arena Commander, and Star Marine are the 3 modules that give examples of the features of game-play that would be shown in the Persistent Universe module, and also have their mechanics.

Hangar module

In this module, Players can detect or modify their bought ships that have been released publicly and link with the ship’s system, even if no flying options are available in the hanger module. Decorations and flair are also included that can be placed and arrange within the hangar.

Arena Commander

In a variety of sports, Arena Commander is a non-fiction space battle simulator that permits players to fly against other players or AI opponents. Players can pilot their ship without the danger of combat encounters, in the Free Flight game type, while 4 players battle against waves of computer-controlled enemies in Vanduul Swaram. Capture Core is a sort of game that is motivated by classic capture the flag rules, where one team must capture the core of the opposite team and deposit it on their own side.

The Battle Royale and Team place are game types that directly oppose players, and they earning points for destroying enemy ships. A group game type similar to Vanduul Swarm but with different types of enemies is called Pirate Swarm, it is a final kind of game.

In the Arena Commander, the effects of the G-Force on the pilot were introduced, in which If the player walks on a path that uses enough G-Force in the ship this eliminates the player’s role. To customize ships that are used in Arena Commander, the equipment can be rented to further modify the player ship combat capability. At the 2015 Star Citizen Conference, while the multi-crew component of the Arena Commander was announced. While In the game it is yet to be completed

Star Marine

To battle each other with conventional weapons Star Marine permits players. Star Marine is a non-legendary ground battle simulator. Two maps of the game: with the ending and the last stand, two maps were made available on the release.

The Last Stand is a kind of “capture and holds” game in which two opposing teams (Marines and Outlaws) each tries to capture one or more control points to earn points. When a team gets more control points, it achieves points at a slowly increasing rate. Elimination is a free-for game of all kinds. Unlike team-based “Last stand”, players work individually to get the most kill-counts before a match ends. Alternatives in both games last for 10 minutes or until a team collect a high score.

Persistent Universe

In a single multiplayer stage, the Permanent Universe, which is actually named as Crusaders, joined the game-play manner of 3 of the modules. On the surface of 4 planets, 9 moons, 1 planet, and one gas giant, players can easily operate around.  

For the permanent universe, gamers can make male or female avatars. In the game, players take on a space station or 1 of the possible planets after entering the mode. And have the freedom to choose what they want to continue. Whether it is trade, bounty hunting, mining, or taking missions.

In criminal conduct, the players get punishes for engaging. With a classification, specific areas that prevent access and can become leads to a good or violent response from law enforcement agencies. They may have incurred players must hack or fine law enforcement networks, in order to lower their criminal rating.

How to install…..

Is the 3.6.0 Public Test Universe (PTU) stage brought with it the latest RSI launcher? 1 launcher contains both LIVE and PTU versions of the game. To utilize your regular email address (or if you have a login ID) and password to access both, that means you only need.

To join PTU if you have been invited you will access the PTU version to install and utilize this new launcher. And to access PTU and may be uninstalled, the old, separate PTU launcher will not work.

Install and join the PTU

There are some phases to download the launcher and to install the game and know how to login:

First, visit the RSI website. Press the Account option which is at the top right 


  • Log in with your email or login ID and password. 
  • Press settings. To open your account.
  • On the Public Test Universe tab click, if it is shown as grayed, it shows you do not have access to PTU or it is not live currently.
  • You will click in PTU to copy your account. To receive an email you should be following this step.
  • This process will take some time for the email to arrive. It will arrive from under the title “Public Test Universe Copied to RSI Test Account”. This email may be delayed if servers are handling a large number of requests.
  • You are prepared to access PTU when this email is received. You will need from time to time to re-copy your account, to reconfigure the accounts on the PTU that need to be made whenever a new PTU cycle occurs or changes. 
  • To used RSI launcher on by using your email.
  • Press the drop-down button that says LIVE which is at the bottom left, under the Star Citizen logo, and alter it to PTU.
  • To download, and once complete, launch the game click install!

The default locations for these installations are:

  • C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\Star Citizen\LIVE
  • C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\Star Citizen\PTU
  • The installation location for PTU can’t be changed at this time from the location where the LIVE game files are installed to.

Access And Loading

To completely reset your PTU account, you can utilize the copy account at the top of the PTU option to reset your account. When finished, you will receive another email, and any changes or events to your account at PTU will be restored.

How Re-Installing will help you


  • First click the start button, at the bottom left of Windows.
  • Click on the Star Citizen folder, and click Uninstall.
  • A User Account Control window will be shown:
  • Do you want to allow the following program from an unknown publisher to make changes to this computer?”
  • Press the option Yes. A Star Citizen Uninstall window will pop up asking:
  • All of the Star citizen components and Star citizen, do you want to completely remove them?
  • When you click yes the Its Uninstall Wizard will start, and the previous version of the launcher and customer will disappear completely after Click Uninstall. “From this computer, the Star Citizen has been removed”, you will see the last window that tells you.
  • Use Firefox or Chrome to download the new installer.

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It is free to play?

To play from until June 1, 2020, Star Citizen was free.

Free Play Week, on the official website in an update, its latest event is celebrating Invictus Launch Week that is confirmed by developer Cloud Imperium Games. 

To explore the universe for free not only you will be able but to test many vehicles you will also be able, giving you a chance to try before you fly.

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