benefits of playing sports

Last Updated on August 17, 2022 by

It turns out that the term “dumb jock” might just be a little out of date.

The benefits of playing sports have long been recognized for keeping people in shape, building relationships, and dealing with adversity. But it turns out that they might just be a boon for academic performance as well. A recent study looked at a group of students in grades 9 to 12 and found that those that played sports had a 97% high school graduation rate, which was 10% higher than those that did not.

Aside from staying in shape and enhanced academic performance, joining a league or local rec team provides a myriad of other advantages to help you live a full and meaningful life. Read on to see why playing sports is always a good idea.

Teaches You to Be a Team Player

Being a team player teaches you more than how to be more athletic. It’s a crucial skill in life and in business, and the earlier you’re able to embrace this lesson, the better off you’re going to be.

When you play team sports you’re strategizing and collaborating with your teammates to achieve a common goal. It takes communication, trust, and hard work, all of which translate off the pitch or outside of the arena. The folks at Urban Rec have a team for everyone that’s looking to develop this skill.

Improves Mental Health

Studies have shown that playing different types of sports helps improve your mood and creates a higher sense of well-being. It’s also shown to reduce anxiety, keep depression at bay, and curb negative thinking. When partaking in a sport you’re achieving the benefits of exercise but you’re also developing a sense of community which makes you feel part of something bigger than yourself.

Benefits of Playing Sports Includes Building Confidence

When you’re part of a team that’s working towards something, you’re bound to face adversity along the way. Each time you’re able to overcome an obstacle, your confidence incrementally increases because of the achievement that you made. When you believe you’ve made a contribution it makes you feel good. All these micro-achievements add up and contribute to developing pride and self-confidence.

Helps Promote a Healthy Heart and Lungs

It’s no secret that exercising is essential for physical fitness. When you exert yourself, your heart and lungs are working overtime to produce the extra oxygen that your muscles require. And just like any other muscle in your body, the more you use them, the stronger they are going to get.

Reduces Stress

Stress is one of the leading causes of trips to the doctor and is rapidly being considered a major culprit relating to health failure. Sports and exercise cause your body to release endorphins, which are the chemicals that help relieve pain and stress. Exercise also reduces your cortisol and adrenaline hormones which helps keep the body and mind stay relaxed.

Be the Best Version of Yourself

We’re all trying to live our best lives and it’s important to take a holistic approach to our overall well-being. If you found this post on the benefits of playing sports helpful be sure to check out our large assortment of informative lifestyle articles on everything from sports, tech, and travel to gaming, business, and entertainment.

Read more: Top five for playing baseball