Last Updated on March 12, 2023 by admin

Accounting is a very vast subject. Choosing a dissertation topic can be a challenge for accounting students!  

Need help??

Don’t worry now. In this blog, we are going to explore dissertation topics for accounting and finance. 

Every student has to write a dissertation in their student life once. But the problem comes with choosing a topic. 

A dissertation is not a single-day task. It takes many weeks, even months, to execute it. But the very first hurdle is to choose a particular topic. 

But, before discussing topics, let’s know about the term dissertation. 

What is a dissertation?

A dissertation is a research project done in an undergraduate or postgraduate program. In it, students present their findings of a particular question that they choose themselves.

The main aim to conduct this project is to test individual research skills. Students have to write it in their own words, which requires detailed research.   

Now that you know about the term dissertation. Let’s see various topics for accounting and finance dissertations. 

Innovative dissertation topics for accounting and finance!

Following are the accounting and finance thesis topics. You can pick one from them according to your interest.

Accounting dissertation topics

1.Study of the effects of public information in the variation of the market share index.
2.Analyzing the tax mechanism of your country.
3.Risk-taking in firms from the viewpoint of accounts.
4.Effects of the current tax mechanism in your country on the lower-income groups?
5.Compare single and double-entry bookkeeping systems.
6.What are the financial reporting essentials for non-profit accounting?
7.Customer satisfaction in the banking sector of a particular nation.
8.Effect of accounting information on the cost of capital within a large-scale business.
9.Impact of e-accounting on the modern business environment.
10.Role of accounting information systems in the decision-making procedure.

Finance dissertation  topics

1.Effects of stakeholder relationships on an organization’s financial ethics.
2.Explain changing roles of the finance department in a particular nation across time.
3.SMEs strategies while making external funding decisions.
4.Effect of cryptocurrency on the finance sector.
5.Importance of financial risk management in today’s scenario.
6.What are the pros and cons of population growth in the finance sector?
7.Uses of financial tools for rookie entrepreneurs.
8.How e-banking brought changes to the finance sector?
9.Importance of micro-finance in banks.
10.Explain the flexibility of budgets based on their categories.

Now you know the different topics of the dissertation. Now the next step is to select a topic for further proceedings. But before choosing your topic, you should keep some points in mind.

Some tips on choosing the best topic for your dissertation

Your passion

It is essential to know your area of interest. If you know what you are most passionate about, it will ease your task. To know your passion, you have to dig more. You have to remember that discussion, which has a significant effect on your mindset. 

Your mentors

The path that you are currently walking on has been covered by someone else. Seeking their advice will help you a lot. Learning from other’s mistakes is much better than making mistakes by oneself. So if you have a mentor who has studied in the field you are working on, then take their help. Researching and choosing an interesting topic will become easier. 

Be a good researcher

Research is the backbone of any dissertation. So if you are a good researcher, then you will do your work effortlessly. The advice here is to conduct personal research on trending topics in your field. After doing this, proceed to make dissertation topics.

Ask supervisor

To conduct a dissertation project, your institution must have provided you with supervisors. Use your supervisor to lose some burden off your shoulders. Ask him to provide or help you to select the dissertation topic.

Believe in your idea

When you start brainstorming over a topic, many ideas start to strike your mind. Many ideas might confuse you in choosing a topic. So you must choose approximately five topics. You can choose the other topic if you don’t like the chosen one.


A dissertation requires lots of hard work. Many students find it very hard to complete a dissertation because it demands a lot of patience. Your research skills should be sharp to gather humongous information. Above, we discussed various dissertation topics for accounting and finance. If you find it difficult to select one topic, then follow the above given tips. 

Frequently asked questions

What are financial problems?

Financial problems arise when you are unable to pay your short and long- term debts. Debt entangles financial management. Financial problems decrease purchasing power. Some financial issues are as follows:

  • Overspending.
  • Endless payments.
  • Surviving on loans.
  • Poor budgeting.

How do you write a good research proposal?

A research proposal is made to tell your mentor about the topic and information you will include in your research. A good research proposal must include the following items:

  • Research title.
  • Research overview.
  • Research context.
  • Research questions.
  • Significance of research.
  • References.