5 Ways to Find New Music on Spotify

Last Updated on January 16, 2023 by admin

He always looks impeccable, knows the best bars in town and impresses with the elegance of his musical taste. He is the same friend who showed you the band, whose music now does not go out of my head, and invited you to a concert that will remain in your memory forever.

The music service Spotify came to Russia to become that very friend. He will introduce you to new performers, talk about niche genres of music and take you outside the zone of musical comfort. Expand your musical horizons with just a couple of swipes on your smartphone screen or computer touchpad. In this guide, we’ve put together six tips to help you discover new MP3 music on Spotify.

1. Spotify Radio 

If you are tired of your favorite track, artist or playlist and want to find something new in a similar style, tune in to Spotify Radio. This feature will collect for you many hours of selection of new music, similar to your favorite. You can “Go to the radio” for a specific song, musician or playlist, and if you like this playlist, you can save it to your library by clicking on “like”.

2. “Opening of the week” 

Personalized Spotify playlist. They are formed from your own listening history and the stories of listeners with similar tastes. That is, this playlist is your own recommendations from yourself, only from the future, in which you understand music a little more. 

The playlist is updated once a week: every Monday it will offer you 30 new tracks. Whatever you like, it is important to have time to save in your library before the end of the week, until Spotify puts together a new personal selection of fresh tracks for you. The playlist is set as private by default, but you can make it public, share with friends and subscribe to the “Discovery of the week” of those users whose taste you trust. The playlist can be found in the “Just for you” section of the Home page.

3. Editorial playlists

Expand your musical horizons not only with personalized selections, but also with recommendations from Spotify’s music editors. The service team took care of high-quality content localization, creating about 100 playlists for Russia with popular tracks and the best novelties in various genres. There are several types of editorial playlists from Spotify. Additionally, you can try promo services for Spotify to enrich your playlist. 

  • Local versions of the global brand playlists Today’s Top Hits and New Music Friday are called “Main hits” and  “New items on Fridays” in Russia . They include the current hits of the region and the most interesting news of the week – in both cases, these are both local and foreign tracks. In “Novinki” you can find both top artists and still unknown musicians – this is a completely editorial selection without a clear reference to the popularity of the artists.
  • A line of local flagship playlists with hits in the most current genres: “Hip-hop PUSHKA” with hits of Russian rap, “Solaris” for electronic lovers, “Rock Today” for rock fans, as well as many other genre trends presented by both international musicians and and our performers.

Playlists created

  • Playlists created especially for Russia include music only by our artists: Neopop  – with new trends in pop music, More Smoke  – these are selected Russian urban hits, and  Full Fresh gathers the stars of local teen-pop.
  • A special part of the Spotify catalog – songs for different moods and occasions – has also been adapted to our market. This is the  “Russian Millennium” with party hits that thundered at the turn of the millennium, and the playlist “You sing great” with hits of Russian karaoke of all times, and the playlist “Good night” with philosophical songs of Russian rock, named in honor of the immortal hit KINO. Mood playlists mix the music of Russian and foreign artists, there are songs for any mood: “Everything is complicated” , “Life is beautiful” , “Easy breathing” , “This is definitely love” , “Pop approach” and others.

4. “Mix of the day”

This is a personalized playlist based on the music genres you listen to the most. It analyzes your music and divides it into different directions, for each of which it creates a playlist. It will collect your favorite tracks and new compositions that you might like. 

Each user can have up to six Mixes of the Day, depending on the variety of musical styles and overall listening history. So if you’re just a fan of indie rock, you may have fewer mixes than your friend who has breakfast to Russian hip-hop and plays electronic music on the subway.

“Mix of the Day” is both a new sound and familiar compositions. This playlist never ends because the system keeps loading new tracks. The content of these mixes changes depending on the transformation of your tastes – the more you listen, the better the playlists become. They are not completely renewed, like “Discoveries of the Week”, but evolve with each new composition listened to. Each mix is ​​updated within 24 hours of the last listen, so be sure to save the songs you like the most.

5. “New Products Radar”

A playlist with new releases from the artists you follow or the musicians you listen to the most. New Products Radar consists of 30 songs and offers new releases every Friday. As with most playlists, the more you listen to it, the better it gets, and likes and dislikes will help it develop in the right direction. Never miss new tracks from your favorite artists with this playlist. You can find your “New Products Radar” on the Home page in the “Just for you” section.