Roles and Functions of an Estate Attorney in Ridgeland

Last Updated on February 6, 2023 by

At some point in time, you must have thought of planning your Estate but how many of you consulted an Estate attorney. An attorney will help you plan your finances, create trust documents, create a power of attorney and medical directives and one such Estate attorney Pamela L. Hancock is one of the best attorneys in Ridgeland. So, in this blog let’s cover the roles of an attorney.


The right advice is always necessary especially in the case of estate planning. Your estate attorney will analyze your property records and finances. He will also give rightful advice on the selection of agents under a durable power of attorneys, end-of-life choices, financial and medical directives, and the list goes on.

Organize and conduct meetings

An attorney organizes meetings from time to time in case of need with your accountant, insurance agent, life insurance advisor, investment advisor and analyzes your property records, finances and gives you the best advice. He even works with the accountant in filing tax returns accurately.

Instruct the client

Not every time will your attorney listen to you, sometimes he instructs you where to keep your original estate planning documents and copies and how you should update and review your estate plans.


An attorney not only guides you in every step of estate planning, but he will also draft your estate plan documents and will even revise and update them from time to time.

Raise issues

The attorney can raise issues in front of you and advise you in case of beneficiaries with special needs, consider pitfalls in your desires for an estate plan and its distribution and even give his honest alternate advice to rectify them.

Selection of agents

He can help you choose agents under a durable power of attorney and health care directive, trustees, leaving a part of possessions for charity and executors. 

Working with a client

An attorney works with the client after an estate plan is created to move the assets to the trust, properly designating beneficiaries on insurance policies and retirement plans. This means not only he works for the client but also guides him in each step like a friend.



An estate attorney in Ridgeland ensures the smooth and efficient handling of a client’s estate matters. Their primary functions include drafting and reviewing estate planning documents, such as wills and trusts, to ensure they meet the client’s wishes and are legally binding. They also assist with the probate process, helping distribute assets and resolve any disputes.

Just like planning your estate is essential, choosing the right attorney to plan it is also crucial. So, by now you must be clear about how crucial a role an attorney can play in your Estate planning.

Apart from this, if you are interested to know about Immigration Attorneys in Texas then visit our lifestyle category.