Back Pain

Last Updated on June 15, 2023 by Umer Malik

No one wants to have surgery, especially back surgery, since there’s so much that could go wrong. Fortunately, there are many non-surgical treatments for back pain that actually work. In fact, it’s recommended that you always try non-surgical options first to see if they alleviate your pain rather than undergoing the knife right away. So give these treatments a shot to eliminate your back pain forever.

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Physical Therapy

Many back issues are the result of weak back muscles, and physical therapy can help you strengthen them, which often causes the pain to go away. It would be best if you always talked to your doctor before starting a physical therapy regimen because the same set of exercises doesn’t work for everyone. Therefore, you will need a specialized treatment plan for your specific needs. Your physical therapist will also give you at-home exercises to maintain the work you do at the clinic.

Physical therapists will treat your back pain by doing one or more of the following:

  • Strengthening your core
  • Stretching your back muscles to increase your flexibility
  • Testing your limits of pain tolerance
  • Retraining your posture
  • Massaging tight muscles

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Lifestyle Modifications

Sometimes, the only thing you can do to alleviate back pain is to change your lifestyle. You may have to accept your limits and learn to adapt your movements to limit your pain. Instead of carrying in all the groceries at once, for example, and straining your back, you might have to take two or three trips. When you mow the lawn or perform another chore, such as painting the house or even doing laundry, you might have to take breaks to let your back muscles rest. 

It’s important to listen to your body and only do what it allows you to do. Going beyond your limits only exacerbates your injury and prolongs your recovery. Especially as you age, you aren’t going to be able to do everything you did when you were young, or at least for not as long or as often. Find your limits and stick to them so you can give your back time to heal. You might not have to make these modifications for life, mainly if you restrict your movements enough to allow your injury to recover fully.

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Alternative Treatments

Various alternative treatments can improve your back pain. Not all of these are proven to work for everyone, but treatments like acupuncture, electrical nerve stimulation, massage, laser therapy, biofeedback therapy, and chiropractic adjustments can all help alleviate pain, at least temporarily. Most of these treatments will require long-term commitments to get the desired results, and you might find that some of them are ineffective for your pain.

Be sure to ask your doctor about these treatments before you try them. In some rare cases, they can make an injury worse, so you don’t want to try anything that will put you in even more pain. But, for the most part, these alternative treatments can help lessen pain over time.

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Living with back pain is challenging. You might need surgery at some point, but before making that choice, give these non-surgical remedies a try. You could discover the magical treatment and avoid surgery altogether!

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